Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dreams of a Runner - Getting Lost In Oneself

Does anyone ever have dreams, night-dreams....or day dreams of being a world class marathoner? Do you ever picture yourself running at the front of the pack, leading a race, setting the pace, instead of in the middle or at the back of the pack? There are times I can close my eyes and that vision is so real I almost break out in a sweat. I have no idea where it comes from, maybe some of the competitive genes that are a holdover from high school...oh those would have to be ancient by now.

I can get lost when I run too...not literally, but at times I can see myself running with what Bonnie calls my Ethiopian or Kenyan buddies, out away from everyone else. I don't know if when that happens during a run if I'm hitting a runner's high or not, but I'm usually feeling at the top of my game at that point, the pain has been erased, the slowness of my pace is of no concern, I'm just running, running out there with guys I can't understand but know through their efforts that I'm in a different class.

Is this too weird, if we had a running shrink maybe I would take a water break and have a quick discussion about my childhood or something. I can never predict when it will happen it just does. Sometimes it is on training runs, other times it has happened while in the middle of a very strange.


teacherwoman said...

I don't think that is weird at all. I know I have had a runner's high while running before, but I don't think I have ever dreamt of leading the pack. Nope.

Unknown said...

Oddly, I very rarely dream about running. When I do, it usually has something to do with being late to a race - more of a nightmare. LOL

Dubs said...

I find running is a great time to think. I used to go for runs when I was in school and stuck on a report or paper. I didn't usually think about it on the run, but zoneing out and so forth, I'd come back all fresh.

Marcy said...

I'm the SAME as Lisa. If I ever dream about running it's in a nightmare LOL

Unknown said...

"Does anyone ever have dreams, night-dreams....or day dreams of being a world class marathoner?"
Only all the time. Elite runners provide us proof of what is possible. We may never reach their level of speed, but it shows us that we can get better and faster than we are. When my stride clicks just right, I feel like I can run with them. I can't, but that doesn't prevent me from wanting to get just a little bit closer each time. That's one of the best parts about running...and no shrink required. ;-)